Thursday, December 6, 2012

It goes a long way

What do you do when you see another person sad, depressed, or broken. Do you say stop with your wallowing and weeping. Dry your tears up get up and keep it moving. I am certainly not a fan of anyone who tells me those things. But you need to have some discernment to know when to light a fire up under someone to give them a push or to comfort them in there time of desperation or dispair wether they are a Christian or not you need to know the real issue at hand before you make a judgement call.  I am not a writer of books or blogs or anything in that format. I write and compose music that ministers to the very spirit. While others write inspirationally to empower and motivate others mine is music.  I write music that comes from my very heart and spirit. I write songs in the moment when something good happened or when something didn't go right at all.  A lot of my music I write is for the broken hearted, for the lost, for the one
who is in a state of mind to give up. I write music like that because I have been there to. I have been in that place when you feel useless and alone even in the house with my wife I felt that all the skills that I had when 
we first got married I dont have anymore. For the last 5 yrs I have not been able to find that one full time job.
Instead Its been either 1 or 2 part time jobs. Nothing paid over 8 dollars and felt like I was just stuck. It has been hard for me to get around because I dont have a drivers license. Mind you that I dont have one because
I drove on a suspended license for not having proof of insurance.   So that right there hinders a lot of things that I would be able to do that can help my wife out. It also hindered a lot of opportunities  for me getting a good Job. So of course that caused some problems in many areas of my life.

I have had some set backs and obstacles that caused some of the normal afflictions in life to be greater than they should. Some were because of poor choices and some were just unavoidable. Im just speaking about some of the things I went through to let you all know that you can make it. See some of the trials that occur
in our life we may not understand and we are left wondering why is this happening to me. But some people in life are chosen to go through some of these trials for other people so that they can either testify and help
the person and go through the trial with them, or to be a light to lead them away from the wrong path one could go down. Galatians 6:2 says that we are to share our brothers burden and thats what it is about helping one another through these tough times To encourage someone along the way, to be there for that
person in need when they feel they have no one else to turn to. We have to learn how to be more compassionate for all people and lead by the example that Jesus led and that example was done out of love.
So I challenge you to inspire, motivate, and encourage someone because you never know the impact you could make. Just that alone goes a long way with a person especially with someone who thinks that their is no one there but them.

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