Welcome people

I want to welcome all who comes and blogs on this site.
This is Having Compassion for people blogsite. Thats what my aim and focus is on this site.
This is a Christian site so everything that you post has to be clean and appropriate.
But I dont want you to see the word Christian and say thats just for Christians. No its for
anyone who has something to say. Ephesians 5:1 says Therefore, imitate God like dearly loved children. Live your life with love, following the example of Christ, Jesus showed
Love and fairness to all he didnt shun the sinner or the saint he treated everyone equal.
So dont be afraid when you see the word Christian just come on in and express yourself.
I am not looking to be in competition or to have the best blogging site. I want this to be a place where people can blog without criticisms and put down.
What I want is to have a place where people can freely express themselves in a appropriate manner. I know sounds like facebook its not that much different but
in a way it is. See I want the ones who have been bullied, beatin, put down, lonely
battered, bruised, in a relationship not in relationship single or married. What i will
do is have it set up where there is a catergory for each need or problem as well as a general section. Also this is a site where you can share your victories and accomplishments, to encourage one another and help those along the way.
Why because we all need each other. So share and let everyone hear your voice because
this is a place where people can feel comfort and safety without the ridicule.
I will be updating and making improvements as we go. Come along on the journey lets grow and encourage one another. Peace and Blessings.

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